home movies video series

The idea for these videos began with a practical need to collect footage so I could have something to practice editing with. I dusted off my old camcorder, purchased when I had dreams of becoming a teenager youtuber, and began filming myself and my fellow grads in our daily goings-on. Almost a year later, I now realize the importance of capturing memories of the people around me to try and ensure we all have something to remember. My hope is that whether you are these people, you know these people, or you know someone like these people, this exhibition will remind you to record your own memories and to cherish the people you love for however long you have them in your life.

The videos in this exhibition show a collection of clips sorted by month from 2022. Through the process of filming and editing these videos, I have been reminded over and over again how quickly time passes, how people change, and how easy it is to forget what happened. I am interested in recording the growing and shifting dynamics of a social group with an emphasis on themes of friendship, how people perform in different spaces, and the process of making as an act of care and love for those I film. I am also interested in how meaning may be lost or gained through these translations, and how the format on which we view memories informs our experience.

stills from home movies:

home movies video playlist below:

home movies was exhibited at Gallery 1010 in Knoxville, TN from November 18th-19th, 2022. The installation featured a collection of furniture, lamps, rugs, and what some would call “outdated” technology which played the videos. My intent behind the installation was to transform a traditionally academic gallery space into a living room and to give viewers a sense of home, comfort, and warmth within which to watch the videos.